Snorkeling Olowalu Beach

Olowalu Beach Snorkel Guide with maps, photos and information

Olowalu Beach Snorkel Information

Olowalu Bay Olowalu Images

Directions: From South-head north (west) on Honoapiilani Hwy (30). About 7 miles form Maala harbor look for mile marker 14. From West take Hwy 30 south about 6.5 miles from Lahaina.

Parking: Park anywhere on the left off the road.

Where to snorkel: You can snorkel any where you want . There is a massive coral reef system that extends way out . The long barrier reef 500 ft. out makes this area calm most of the time.

What to look for: The most impressive thing about this area is the coral. You can work your way through the coral maze spotting fish along the way. The depth ranges from about 15 feet to 3 feet, even when you are 100 yards from shore. You can find plenty of turtles in the deeper areas.

Olowalu Bay

Other Info: There is a channel at mile marker 14 making it easier to get further out. I prefer to swim around the maze of coral. As long as the tide is high , you can safely work yourself around the coral.

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